Hitman 3 Guide - How to Find & Use the Scrap Sword

Last Update: February 9, 2021 2:27 PM /


Hitman 3 Scrap Sword Inventory

The Scrap Sword is a unique weapon which can be found during the Berlin mission in Hitman 3. It is a rusted melee weapon which can help Agent 47 let out his inner Road Warrior (from the Mad Max film series) as he takes out the agents sent to eliminate him.

Finding the Scrap Sword allows players to complete two challenges. "Scavenger" is unlocked simply by picking it up, while "Waaagh!" requires Agent 47 to successfully kill a target with it. Adding the Scrap Sword to your inventory can be a big step towards achieving Level Mastery for the Berlin location.

Where to Find the Hitman 3 Scrap Sword

Hitman 3 Scrap Sword Location

First things first, you'll need to find a way to get Agent 47 into the club. If you don't choose a starting location inside the club, one easy way is to help a man find his missing pills, as he will let you enter as his "plus one." Another option is to choose a disguise which will allow you access, such as club security or backstage tech.

Once in the club, find the outdoor "Juice Bar". There is one ICA agent, Agent Swan, who hangs out in that area, so Agent 47 will have to either sneak past him or take him out first.

Next to the Juice Bar are a series of large metal cylinders. Between two of these cylinders is a pile of tiles next to a yellow barrel. The Scrap Sword can be found on top of the pile of tires, at approximately this location on the level map:

Hitman 3 Scrap Sword Map

Simply pick up the Scrap Sword and add it to your inventory. This will grant the achievement "Scavenger." Keep in mind that it is a large, illegal weapon which cannot be concealed.

How to Kill a Target Using the Scrap Sword

Hitman 3 Scrap Sword Kill

Agent 47 can take out any ICA agent that he wants with the Scrap Sword in order to get the achievement "Waaagh!" However, the easiest to take out is Agent Swan, who patrols the area around the Juice Bar.

Observe Swan's patrol path while remaining hidden - the giant cylinders provide great cover - until he walks along the river and pauses next to the bridge. Toss a coin to catch his attention and get him away from any party-goers who might be hanging around. While he's investigating the distraction, use the Scrap Sword to take him out.

It is recommended that you dispose of the Scrap Sword after completing the challenge, as it is an illegal item and will get you caught and arrested if you try to re-enter the club.

Hitman 3 is full of targets to eliminate and challenges to complete. Make sure to check out TechRaptor's other Hitman 3 guides for other helpful tips and information.



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Kate is a lifelong writer, reader and gamer with a fondness for mysteries, open world exploration and farming / crafting sims. The "Kate" route in a… More about Kate

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Game Page Hitman 3
IO Interactive
IO Interactive
Release Date
January 20, 2021 (Calendar)
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