Hitman 3 Dartmoor Guide - Means Motive and Opportunity Mission Story

Last Update: January 23, 2021 12:37 AM /


Hitman 3 Dartmoor Feature Image

Agent 47 visits misty, rainy Dartmoor with the goal of eliminating Alexa Carlisle, one of the high-ranking members of Providence. However, Hitman 3's Dartmoor location offers a unique gameplay change in the form of the Mission Story "Means, Motive and Opportunity."

This story involves 47 disguising himself as a private detective in order to investigate the murder of Alexa's brother, Zachary Carlisle. He'll have to gather evidence, interrogate suspects, and check alibis as he attempts to solve this locked room murder mystery. And, of course, if you manage to accuse the killer, 47 will have the opportunity to assassinate Alexa while she is completely unguarded.

This guide features a step by step walkthrough to locate all clues and intel during the "Means, Motive and Opportunity" mission, as well as options for killing Alexa once the mission is completed.

Murder Mystery Obtaining the Private Investigator Disguise

Hitman 3 Dartmoor PI Uniform
The poor PI, mere seconds before his unfortunate replacement.

First, you'll need to subdue and take the outfit of the private investigator Alexa has hired to look into Zachary's death. Sneak through the bushes as he approaches the mansion. Watch out for the maids and gardeners in this area, as many of them are Enforcers who will notice that you do not belong here.

Distract the PI by throwing a coin in his direction before subduing him. Alternately, wait until he has entered the main hallway inside the mansion. This hallway is unguarded and has plenty of cabinets for 47 to hide in. However, there are guards at the door of the house, so you'll either need to sneak in through a window or drop all illegal items so that you can be frisked by the guards and enter safely.

Hitman 3 Dartmoor PI Uniform
Lookin' smart, 47!

Once you're wearing the PI disguise, the butler Mr Fernsby will take you to meet Alexa, who will demand that you solve Zachary's murder. Follow Fernsby to the scene of the crime.

Hitman 3 Dartmoor Investigating Zachary Carlisle's Room

Dartmoor Corpse
Possibly the only dead body in this game that ISN'T 47's fault

There are six clues to be found at the crime scene. They are:

  • Zachary's body (scan with camera)
  • The bottle of whiskey on Zachary's nightstand (scan with camera)
  • Zachary's laptop
  • Zachary's suicide note - on the table by the window
  • Hidden room - use Instinct to identify a book in the bookcase that can be pulled
  • Mansion floor plan - next to the mirror inside the hidden room
Dartmoor Fernsby
Fernsby will direct you to the suspects you need to interrogate

Interrogating Suspects

Talk to each member of the Carlisle family located around the manor to get their alibi for the night of the murder. Some alibis can be confirmed or disproved by examining items belonging to the suspects.

Dartmoor Patrick Carlisle
Patrick Carlisle claims that he was "taking the maid for a walk"
  • Patrick Carlisle - Library. Confirm his alibi by speaking to Rosie the Maid in the Staff Room
  • Edward Carlisle - Dining Room. He and Gregory were together at the time of death.
  • Gregory Carlisle - Sitting Room. He and Edward were together at the time of death
  • Emma Carlisle - Sitting Room.
  • Rebecca Carlisle - Trophy Room. Confirm her alibi by checking the laptop in her bedroom.
Dartmoor Maids
Rosie the maid can confirm Patrick's alibi

After interrogating the suspects, only Emma is lacking an alibi. However, things are not as simple as they seem. We still don't know who wrote Zachary's suicide note, nor why the murder was committed.

Next, investigate the rooms of the mansion to find more clues.

Dartmoor Emma Carlisle
Does Emma have an alibi?

Finding Clues

A number of rooms in the mansion contain clues. The easiest way to investigate them all is to start in Mr. Fernsby's Office, as it will net you the Master Key which unlocks all other doors.

Dartmoor Butler's Office
"The butler did it" is a classic solution - but this time, it isn't that easy

Mr. Fernsby's Office

Break down the door using a Crowbar. If you didn't bring one with you, there's one ripe for the taking near the delivery vans by the Kitchen. Grab the Master Key from the shelf. In addition, pick up the following clues:

  • Zachary's Half-Burned Diary - In the fireplace
  • Mr. Fernsby's List - On the desk
  • Mr. Fernsby's Pills - On the windowsill

Once you have the Master Key, you can find clues in the following rooms:

Sitting Room

  • Portrait of Montgomery Carlisle (Scan with camera)
  • Muddy Footprints - On the terrace (Scan with camera)

Dining Room

  • Edward Carlisle's Speech (Scan with camera)
Dartmoor Edward Carlisle
Edward Carlisle's handwriting doesn't match Zachary's suicide note

Trophy Room

  • Documents (Scan with camera)

Rebecca's Room

  • Rebecca's Laptop
  • Rebecca's Notebook (Scan with camera)

Emma & Gregory's Room

  • Muddy Footprints (Scan with camera)
  • Letter from Emma's Mother - On nightstand
  • Greenhouse Keychain - Next to folding screen
  • Bulldog Cane - Next to fireplace


  • Broken Equipment
  • Poison Dosage Table (scan with camera)
Dartmoor Library Secret Room
What could the library be hiding?


Use the Bulldog Cane from Gregory & Emma's Room on the switches to unlock a Hidden Room. Inside the Hidden Room is Montgomery's Long-Lost Letter

Now, Agent 47 has all the clues he needs to solve this mystery. Return to Mr. Fernsby to inform him that you are ready to speak with Alexa Carlisle.

Another Death in the Family

At this point, it is recommended that you save your game because you have the option to earn a trophy here.

Once you've collected every single clue listed above, do not return and speak to Mr. Fernsby. Instead, head to the garden and pick up a wrench sitting on the table. Then, return to the greenhouse and repair the Broken Lab Equipment you found earlier.

Now, simply wait while continuing to wear the private investigator disguise. Emma, who has realized what you are up to, will use the repaired equipment and poison Alexa Carlisle's tea, killing the Carlisle family matriarch in the same way her poor brother died. This will earn you the trophy "Another Death in the Family"

Once you've gotten that trophy, time to re-load your save and solve that mystery!

Solving the Mystery

Dartmoor Alexa Office
Alexa wants to know whodunnit - but what will Agent 47 tell her?

Once you've talked to Mr. Fernsby, follow him into Alexa Carlisle's office.

Although you know the truth of the matter, you have the option of accusing three different people: Emma, Mr. Fernsby, or Zachary himself. Emma is the killer, but you have enough evidence to frame either of the other two and have Alexa believe you. Each unlocks a different Feat, so you might want to save her and redo this choice.

Alexa will offer you a reward at this point. It is recommended that you take the Case File reward, as obtaining this information is also a mission goal. However, you can also choose Money as a reward if you wish.

Eliminating Alexa Carlisle & Securing the Case File

Dartmoor Carlisle File
Information about The Constant is contained within

Once she has given 47 his reward, Alexa Carlisle will retire to the balcony outside her office, where she will be completely alone. If 47 told her that Zachary committed suicide, she will throw herself off the balcony and do the job herself. If he accused Emma or Mr. Fernsby, 47 will be responsible for eliminating his target.

You can easily push Alexa off her balcony when she is not looking at you. Alternately, if you are carrying poison, you can put it in the teacup on her desk, which she will drink from. Of course, you can also shoot or garrote her while she is alone.

Dartmoor Balcony
Goodbye, Alexa

If you chose Money as your reward, you will need to unlock her safe to grab the Case File. The code to Alexa's safe is 1975. (The numbers are written on four objects around her office: the clock, telescope, fireplace and moose head.)

As long as Agent 47 continues to wear the Private Investigator disguise, he can safely exit the mansion and complete the mission without arousing any suspicion from guards or staff.

Make sure to check out TechRaptor's other Hitman 3 guides to help Agent 47 complete the many unique challenges which this game offers!



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| Former Staff Writer

Kate is a lifelong writer, reader and gamer with a fondness for mysteries, open world exploration and farming / crafting sims. The "Kate" route in a… More about Kate

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IO Interactive
IO Interactive
Release Date
January 20, 2021 (Calendar)
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