Hero's Hour Enclave Faction Guide

Last Update: March 1, 2022 11:05 AM /


Hero's Hour Enclave Faction Guide - cover

In this Hero's Hour Enclave Faction Guide, I'll tell you what you need to know to get started with playing the Icata Enclave.

Hero's Hour Enclave Faction Guide - Basic Strategy

The Enclave are good at making armies with powerful individual units -- they're one of only two Factions that have two units with 26+ Power available by default (the other being Lament). This proclivity for powerful units is best emphasized with the Slithering Temple Unique Building which allows you to summon a massive Great Hydra, a Boss-class Unit that is a force to be reckoned with.

Hero's Hour Enclave Faction Guide - Unique Buildings

Hero's Hour Enclave Faction Guide - Unique Buildings

Enclave's Unique Buildings are Slithering Temple, Incubation Chamber, and Deep Tunnels.

Slithering Temple

This building can summon the Great Hydra in 15 days, a Boss-class Unit with ten times the health of most other units. This ritual can be sped up by sacrificing Artifacts.

Incubation Chamber

This increases weekly growth of Worms, Lizardchers, and Lizwards. Sacrificing artifacts to the Hydra God gives you free Worms.

Deep Tunnels

This gives you one Mercury, Crystal, or Sulphur each day.

Hero's Hour Enclave Faction Guide - Hero Strategies

Hero's Hour Enclave Faction Guide - Hero Strategies

The Enclave Heroes are Snakespeaker and Highlord.

Snakespeaker Heroes (Taming)

Snakespears can use Taming to follow beast tracks. Defeat these beasts in combat and some will join your army.

Akn Tea / Kea Raz

Akn Tea and Kea Raz focus on summoning and buffing their own spellcasting power.

Man Del / Rot Ceh

Man Del and Rot Ceh are good for building smaller armies of the strongest unit and can convert their army to the Blight Rare Units.

Ila Nila / Riel Zon

Ila Nila and Riel Zon are good for summoning and buffing their armies.

Highlord Heroes (Hunting)

Highland Heroes can use Hunting to follow beast tracks. Defeat these beasts in combat and you'll gain Trophies which allow you to summon beasts in battle.

Aro Nei / Plis Akn

Aro Nei and Plis Akn are excellent at buffing their armies.

Lor Kon / Gena Krok

Lor Kon and Gena Krok are good with using large armies of cheaper units, along with ranged units.

Olane / Puk Aro

Olane and Puk Aro excel in creating units with powerful individual creatures.

Hero's Hour Enclave Faction Guide - Unit Choices

Hero's Hour Enclave Faction Guide - Unit Choices

Here are the unit choices you have to make for the Enclave Faction.

Lizward or Witchzard?

Lizwards leap into battle and can afflict enemies with Terror once upgraded. Witchzards move slow and attack slow, but they damage a wide area and can turn enemies into frogs with Hex.

Basilisk or Moss Golem?

Basilisks use Charge to get into battle fast and can Petrify enemies once upgraded. Moss Golems instead focus on AoE melee attacks and can be upgraded to get health regeneration and protection from spells.

Hierophant or Firezard?

Hierophants are ranged combatants and healers. Firezards are powerful, expensive units that can afflict enemies with Venom; upgrade them and you can hit them with Burning, too.


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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Goblinz Studio
Release Date
March 1, 2022 (Calendar)
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