World of Tanks Receives Massive Update 1.0 Overhaul

Published: March 21, 2018 12:27 PM /


world of tanks 1.0

After eight years of development, World of Tanks has at long last reached its 1.0 update. The popular armored warfare game has seen many updates over the years, from vehicles to a new physics system. However, Update 1.0 has seen Wargaming switch graphics engines. From today onward they will be using Core, an in-house creation Wargaming has developed over the last four years. The substantial improvements born of this increased visual fidelity are obvious even at a glance. Even a simple comparison of two maps on the game's Ultra High-Quality settings displays improved advanced lighting and shading effects.


world of tank ultra settings comparison
A comparison of the graphics at Ultra setting - new on top, old on bottom


Despite the update, Wargaming has urged that World of Tanks can still run on computers with low-end specs. VG24/7 quoted Wargaming CEO Victor Kislyi on the following:

“You won’t have to upgrade your machine for 1.0. You will have a very similar and better experience, that’s how we spent two years and the best geniuses in the world. It’s not only our Minsk people, but our Sydney people, our American people, plus a bunch of outsourcing resources we tapped to make this happen.”

This was further emphasized in interviews such as Development Director Milos Jerabek's interview on TheSixthAxis where he discussed the new changes. Along with these new visuals, the audio quality of the game has undergone a substantial upgrade. The previous soundtrack has been replaced Prague Symphonic Orchestra's new score after over a year of development. These new background tracks utilize local ethnic instruments relevant to each map to enhance the atmosphere of each location.

There are already plans to continue development and implement new features in the near future. In particular, the subject of wheeled vehicles has arisen more than once to create a new breed of lighter scout vehicles. This is an area Wargaming has only cautiously considered in the past, but it is now giving the subject serious thought.

Do you play World of Tanks? You plan on checking it out now that it is at 1.0? Let us know in the comments below!

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A video game obsessive from the late SNES era and tabletop gaming enthusiast since Warhammer 40,000's Third Edition.

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Release Date
August 12, 2010 (Calendar)
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