Wizard of Legend about to hit the clouds with its first expansion 'Sky Palace'

Published: September 15, 2018 11:24 AM /


wizard of legend sky palace

In our Wizard of Legend review, we defined it as a great game where a lack of environmental and enemy variety prevented it from being truly astounding. We also mentioned that, luckily, that is the kind of problem that can be easily solved by post-launch content updates. What better opportunity to siphon some new lifeblood in a title than a full expansion? With its first expansion, Sky Palace, Contingent99 aims to revitalize  Wizard of Legend with a plethora of new levels, enemies and, of course, weapons of mass destruction.


In the announcement video, we can see that the expansion will add to the game a number of new enemies, which will improve the lackluster enemy variety in the game. We will also see at least a couple of new environments included in this Sky Palace and a new member of the council of magic as a boss. Most importantly, the expansion will include new spells and signature that will increase exponentially the possible customization options for our arsenal, which is the real strength of the game. This fulfills stretch goals hit during the Kickstarter campaign with the new elemental region, enemies, relics, signatures and Magic Council member.

What is sure is that the Sky Palace will contribute to mitigating the only issue we had with an otherwise amazing indie video game.

The Sky Palace expansion for Wizard of Legend will be available in Winter 2018 for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

Do you still play Wizard of Legend? Will you get this new expansion at launch? Let us know in the comments.

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Luigi Savinelli profile picture
| Former Staff Writer

Gamer since I can remember and now writer for your enjoyment. Can't say more. Those games will not play themselves

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Humble Bundle
Release Date
May 15, 2018 (Calendar)
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