SUPERHOT VR Has Generated More Revenue Than The Original Game

Published: April 15, 2019 3:55 PM /


superhot punch

SUPERHOT VR has generated more revenue than the original SUPERHOT. Originally released in February of 2016, SUPERHOT is a first-person shooter with an interesting twist: time only moves when you do. A VR version of the game was released later in the same year, and it seems like it's sold better than the original title.

A tweet from one of the game's developers recently highlighted an interesting fact about SUPERHOT VR: it generated more revenue than the original game. The reasons for this weren't elaborated on by the developer, but we can make an educated guess about how this sales disparity came about.

There are some interesting points to highlight about this claim. Both SUPERHOT and its VR version are sold for the same price on Steam: $24.99. Unlike some other games, SUPERHOT sells its VR version as a separate title rather than as a free add-on. SteamSpy estimated that the original game sold 1–2 million copies, but the VR version only managed to sell 100,000–200,00 copies. The standard version has an 82% Metacritic score and the VR version has an 85% Metacritic score, suggesting that the addition of VR makes for an experience that was more appreciated by critics.

Since the price was the same, how could SUPERHOT VR have generated more revenue than SUPERHOT? There are two possible factors. According to Is There Any Deal, SUPERHOT was on sale for $12.49 at its lowest and the VR version was priced slightly higher at $14.99. While the base price was the same, the developers made more money per sale when it was at a discount.

There's also the matter of another ecosystem: the PlayStation VR. SUPERHOT VR is also available for the PlayStation VR, and the odds are that its sale on its this platform was a strong factor (if not the factor) towards its better revenue gain for the developers.

Ultimately, we can't say for sure why the VR version outperformed the original game without the sales figures that only the developers have. If their claim is true, it may be yet another sign that VR is here to stay.

What do you think of the claim that SUPERHOT VR has sold more copies than the original game? Why do you think this may have happened? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About SUPERHOT
Xbox One, PC
Release Date
February 25, 2016 (Calendar)
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