Super Smash Bros. Championship Circuit Debuts in 2022

Nintendo has surprisingly teamed up with esports organization Panda Global to launch the Super Smash Bros. Championship Circuit next year -- and it includes Smash Ultimate and Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Published: November 18, 2021 2:54 PM /


Super Smash Bros. Championship Circuit Nintendo Panda Global cover

Nintendo has surprisingly teamed up with esports organization Panda Global to launch the Super Smash Bros. Championship Circuit next year -- and it includes Smash Ultimate and Super Smash Bros. Melee.

It's been a good year for fans of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Aside from the debut of a Skyrim-themed Mii fighter earlier this summer, we finally got to see who would be the final Smash Ultimate fighter.

Unfortunately, things haven't been so great on the tournament side of things. Nintendo has been cagey about hosting any major competitive tournaments -- especially those that feature modified versions of the game, going as far as to hit the Riptide event with a cease & desist. Now, Super Smash Bros. pros will have a chance to strut their stuff with the launch of the Super Smash Bros. Championship Circuit.

Super Smash Bros. Championship Circuit Nintendo Panda Global slice

What We Know About the Super Smash. Bros Championship Circuit

The surprising announcement about the Super Smash Bros. Championship Circuit was made earlier today by Panda Global, a solo esports team that has competed in several Super Smash Bros. tournaments.

"We are proud to announce our partnership with @NintendoAmerica," read a tweet from Panda Global (via Reddit). "In 2022 Panda will bring the first officially licensed circuit for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Super Smash Bros. Melee to North America. More details for this short series of events with cash prizes coming later."

Surprisingly, this tournament won't just feature the latest game in the franchise Super Smash Bros. Ultimate -- Super Smash Bros. Melee will also be featured in this event. What's even more surprising is that Nintendo has indeed confirmed its partnership with Panda Global.

"Confirmed. Ready your A-game, Super #SmashBros competitors" read a tweet from Nintendo of America. "We've partnered with @PandaGlobal to launch the first officially licensed Super Smash Bros. championship circuit in North America, coming 2022!"

More details on this tournament will be shared at a later date; you can look forward to this competition launching sometime in 2022. In the meantime, Black Friday is rapidly approaching -- there's a good chance that you'll be able to pick up Super Smash Bros. Ultimate at a discount and enjoy all of the fun content that's been added over the last few years.

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What do you think the Super Smash Bros. Championship Circuit will be like? What's your favorite game in the Super Smash Bros. franchise? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Nintendo Switch
Release Date
December 7, 2018 (Calendar)
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