Star Renegades PS4 Release Date Delayed to 2021

Published: November 23, 2020 1:59 PM /


Star Renegades PS4 release date delay cover

Star Renegades PS4 release date delay has been announced, pushing back the PlayStation 4 launch of this roguelite JRPG to early 2021.

If you haven't yet played Star Renegades, you've missed out on a pretty good JRPG with a twist — not everyone attacks at the same time. Rather, each character attacks based on their stats, creating chaotic and frantic battles filled with action. Toss in a dash of roguelite gameplay and you have a recipe for a turn-based RPG that's a ton of fun.

Get a feel for the game's vibe by checking out its console launch trailer!

Star Renegades PS4 Version Delayed Due to 'Severe Issues'

Unfortunately, the Star Renegades PS4 release date has been delayed by the developers. Citing "severe issues," they've made the decision to push the PlayStation 4 launch of the game back to early 2021.

"We've had to make the difficult decision to delay the PlayStation 4 version of Star Renegades," read the statement from Raw Fury on Twitter. "This wasn't a choice we wanted, but due to a number of severe issues taking longer than we had hoped to fix — we believe this is the only choice."

That hasn't been the only problem, either — Nintendo Switch players are reporting some problems with the game. Raw Fury says that these "unacceptable issues" with the Switch version will be fixed as quickly as possible; it asks that any players having problems with the game reach out to them,

Star Renegades PS4 release date delay slice

When is the New Star Renegades PS4 Release Date?

The new Star Renegades PS4 release date will be sometime in late January 2021. Raw Fury has declined to announce a specific date just yet.

For now, you can buy Star Renegades on Steam for $24.99 or your regional equivalent. Console players can get it for the Xbox One & Xbox Series X or Nintendo Switch at the same price point.

Are you said to see the Star Renegades PS4 release date delayed? What do you think of the game so far? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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