Stalker 2 Developers Warn About Leaks Due to Vulnerability Exploited by Russian Hackers

Ukrainian Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl developer GSC Game World has warned about potential leaks due to a security vulnerability that russian hackers have reportedly exploited for a long time.

Published: June 1, 2023 3:05 PM /


Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl

Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl developer GSC Game World has posted a warning about potential leaks that could affect the game. 

According to the message, posted on Twitter in English and Ukrainian, russian hackers have exploited a security vulnerability for almost a year and a half. While the vulnerability has been identified, the hackers were able to access information intended for internal testing.

The developer asks fans not to be tempted to look at leaked materials from the game. They're not final and they may affect your experience playing the game.

You can check out the full message below. 

Hello everyone, 

We have some important information to share. Our team has identified a vulnerability exploited by a group of Russian hackers attacking the company for almost a year and a half. Unfortunately, they were able to access and compromise some of our leaked information intended for internal testing of various game aspects. 

As for now, we kindly ask stalkers and those who want to join the Zone in the future not to look at or share any leaked materials from the game. Although these materials are only used for testing purposes and are not release-ready, these leaks may ruin your experience of exploring the Zone by yourself. 

Rest assured, our team remains dedicated to delivering an exceptional gaming experience. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl is the game we dedicate our hearts and souls to. Despite the issue, we will continue to ensure that the game will satisfy your expectations, as we hope. 

We appreciate your continued support and understanding during these challenging times! 

Sincere thanks, GSC Game World Team 

Earlier this year, GSC Game World refused to give in to the demands by russian hackers who tried to blackmail the developer with the threat of a leak. At the moment, we don't know if the two events are directly connected to the same perpetrators. 

Despite the criminal invasion of Ukraine by the russian federation, local developers have continued to work on their games in extremely difficult conditions, which is certainly admirable.

Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl is one of the games that continues its voyage toward release despite the invasion, and it's coming in 2023 for PC and Xbox Series X|S, including Game Pass day and date with its retail release. If you'd like to take a look at this highly-anticipated game, you can enjoy a recent trailer

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More Info About This Game
Learn More About Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl
GSC Game World
GSC Game World
PC, Xbox Series X|S
Release Date
September 5, 2024 (Calendar)
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