Square Enix E3 2018: Just Cause 4

Published: June 11, 2018 2:55 PM /


just cause 4 xbox e3

Earlier this afternoon, Square Enix announced more information about the upcoming open-world title Just Cause 4, building on what was previously revealed.

During E3, Square Enix showed a trailer for their new action title. It detailed more about Solis, the fictional South American country where Just Cause 4 takes place. The trailer promises that the country has lots of history, secrets, and danger to uncover.

The story centers around the series protagonist Rico Rodriguez. He's pitted against Gabriela, the leader of a vicious private military company called the Black Hand.

Rico will have to use his full arsenal. This includes his trusty wingsuit, parachute, and his upgraded grapple to survive. Square Enix showed off the grapple's many new features including more tethers, booster rockets, and air lifters.

Another major feature detailed in the trailer is the new biomes in the game. Rico will travel through rainforests, grasslands, the alpine and a desert in his adventure. Each of these has an Extreme Weather event associated with it. There are enormous tornadoes, forked lightning storms, sandstorms and roaring blizzards to contend with. These will have two effects. One, it will create problems for the player. However, it will also give them an opportunity to create some major chaos. For example, the trailer shows Rico using his wingsuit to fly around near the gigantic tornado.

All of this is brought together using a new engine. According to Square Enix, "the new Apex engine... delivers the most interactive, extreme weather simulations ever seen in a videogame". The game also boasts big improvements to its physics engine.

You can pre-order Just Cause 4 with three editions: Standard, Digital Deluxe, and Gold. The Digital Deluxe Edition comes with a Black Hand Stealth Microjet and a prototype wingsuit. The Gold Edition comes with that, plus the Expansion Pass and the Golden Gear Pack.

You can drop into Solis on December 4th on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. However, players who pre-order will get early access to the game, though Square Enix doesn't say how early.

If you want to know more about this and other announcements happening at E3 then be sure to check out our E3 2018 Coverage Hub.

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Connor Foss
| Staff Writer

Former TechRaptor Staff Writer, who also does translation work between English and Spanish. You can usually find me playing horror games or Zelda!

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Just Cause 4
Game Page Just Cause 4
Avalanche Studios
Square Enix
Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
December 4, 2018 (Calendar)
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