SMITE to arrive to PS4; closed beta to start soon

Published: February 19, 2016 5:11 PM /


SMITE arrives on PS4

MOBAs are historically PC-centric game genre. It's mainly because of the perspective most of them are played. It's hard to play an isometric game with a gamepad and TV. The situation changes when you put the camera behind your character and change the control scheme to a more gamepad friendly one. Hi-Rez showed everyone that by doing just that, you can create something interesting for console players. They showed it when they released SMITE on Xbox One and they are about to demonstrate it again by releasing SMITE on PlayStation 4 as well.

The battleground of the gods is about to rock Sony's world, according to a post on the official blog. It is yet to be determined when it will officially come out on PS4, but the closed beta should start pretty soon. In fact, you can opt-in right now and wait to be selected for the beta phase of the PS4 iteration of SMITE. You can alternatively purchase the "Founder's Pack" for $29.99. The pack includes, among the other things, an instant access to the closed beta version of the game.

There are more goodies at stake for PS4 players. If you purchase the Founder's Pack, for example, you will unlock all present and future gods, 400 gems, the Ares' Soldier of Fortune skin and, more interestingly, an exclusive PS4 skin for Ymir, called "C4codemon". It's basically the identically priced "Ultimate God Pack" you can purchase on PC plus two skins and access to the beta, which makes it an even better deal. But it doesn't stop here. PS4 players will also have the chance to obtain two more exclusive PS4 god skins. You will obtain Odin's "Words Collide" skin if you link your PS4 account to your Hi-Rez PC account and PS Plus subscribers will receive Kulkulkan’s “KuKu4" skin.

While skins are well and good, SMITE is a free to play game at its core so you don't have to buy anything to play it on PS4. New players will have access to 5 gods (Ymir, Thor, Neith, Guan Yu, and Ra) plus the 10 gods in the weekly free rotation and will be able to unlock the others via the favor obtained by playing.

For those who already play SMITE on PC but would like to carry their progress to PS4 as well, there's no mention, as of now, of the possibility to link the PS4 and PC accounts. It would not be unreasonable to expect that it will be added in the future considering that it's what happened on Xbox One which gave your account access to everything you had on PC. Talking of similarities with the Xbox One version of SMITE, the closed beta of the PS4 version is planned to start in early March, around the same time the Xbox One beta started the year before. Assuming similar time frames and development time, we can expect SMITE to see its final PS4 version around August-September.

If you don't want to buy the Founder's Pack and don't mind to wait a bit to play SMITE on PS4, you can opt-in for the closed beta here and wait for your invitation.

Do you play SMITE? Will you play SMITE when it comes out on PS4? Do you plan to purchase the Founder's pack? Let us know in the comments.

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Luigi Savinelli profile picture
| Former Staff Writer

Gamer since I can remember and now writer for your enjoyment. Can't say more. Those games will not play themselves

More Info About This Game
Learn More About SMITE
Game Page SMITE
Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
March 25, 2014 (Calendar)
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