Outlast 2 Restores Cut Content That Would Have Made it Adults Only

Published: March 27, 2018 5:10 PM /


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Outlast 2 released on the Nintendo Switch eShop this morning, allowing fans to take the cult-themed horror game on the go. Developer Red Barrels also announced a brand new mode which is now available in the game, designed to make the experience much easier. The new Story Mode will allow players to experience the narrative of Outlast 2, without having to worry about being challenged by the game's enemies. The new mode has been detailed in a post on the game's Steam page, and reads as follows:

"The new Story Mode of Outlast 2 allows players to experience the game with minimal challenges, fewer enemy encounters and more breathing room to fully immerse yourself in the universe. It is still possible to die, but we’ve decreased the number of enemies and have lowered their speed, damage and perception. We’ve also made tweaks to the pacing of the game to make more room for exploration, instead of chases. Also, we’ve taken the opportunity to reinsert some of the things we had to remove from the original game in order to get an M rating. These changes are not drastic in our opinion and do not impact gameplay, but they had to be made to avoid an Adult Only rating."
It seems that other changes have been made to the game to change the pacing, with the end-goal of encouraging more exploration. As to exact nature of the content that has been reintroduced after being removed to comply with an M rating, no further details are given.

Outlast 2 launched last year and tossed players into a nightmarish world filled with cultists, portals and plenty of jump-scares. The found-footage mechanics make a return, with the player often using a camcorder to survey their surroundings. You can read our review, here.

Are you going to make use of Outlast 2's new Story Mode? Let us know in the comments.


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Game Page Outlast 2
Red Barrels
Red Barrels
Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 4
Release Date
October 25, 2017 (Calendar)
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