The Outer Worlds Coming to Nintendo Switch

Published: January 30, 2020 2:00 PM /


The Outer Worlds 1920x1080 Compressed

Obsidian Entertainment, Virtuos Games, and Private Division announced in a press release today news of a port of The Outer Worlds to the Nintendo Switch. Expected to release March 6, 2020, the sardonic single-player RPG will feature the same blasting and negotiating gameplay, but now you can take it with you. The game will be available for digital download from the Nintendo eShop or in a boxed retail version with download code.

Released 2019, The Outer Worlds allowed players to confront and conquer the galaxy in a myriad of ways. Sure, you could shoot your way out, but oftentimes you could talk your way out of trouble before it even begins. Many of the quests contain multiple approaches and solutions depending on the player's character's strengths. A staggering amount of customization means that no two playthroughs are exactly alike. Players can create a beloved hero or despotic tyrant and have their choices ripple throughout the game world. Dozens of perks and countless weapons offer plenty of combat options for when words have failed you. Time dilation mechanics let you close the gap and gain an edge on enemies.

The player character awakes from decades out of commission on a transit ship headed for the edge of the galaxy. Players explore a variety of planets and recruit several different companions to aid them in their investigation of the many factions and mega-corporations competing for power.

TechRaptor's own Robert Scarpinito already reviewed the PlayStation 4 version of The Outer Worlds here. If you're still on the fence about The Outer Worlds, Robert's in-depth review and glowing praise should convince you.

Quick Take

It's time to convince your Nintendo Switch-owning friends to pick it up. But, be sure to warn them. Like many Obsidian Entertainment titles, The Outer Worlds has the odd habit of completely stealing your day.

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Staff Writer Jackson is currently learning his fourth language (Polish), enjoys lemon tea, and has angrily refuted claims of being "funny, witty, and/or… More about Jackson

More Info About This Game
Learn More About The Outer Worlds
Game Page The Outer Worlds
Private Division
Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
October 25, 2019 (Calendar)
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