No Man's Sky Endurance Update Overhauls Ship Customization

No Man's Sky Endurance is the game's 20th free update and overhauls freighter and fleet customization

Published: July 20, 2022 10:20 AM /


No Man's Sky Endurance

No Man's Sky Endurance is releasing sometime today, and with the game's 20th update comes an overhaul to freighter and fleet customization. The game shows no signs of slowing down with its steady pace of updates along with a Nintendo Switch release in just a few months, with eventual releases also coming to PSVR2 and MacOS. It's an exciting time to be a No Man's Sky fan, so let's dive into the latest update, shall we?

What's included in the No Man's Sky Endurance update?

Players will now be able to live and work aboard the ships amongst the stars with their own crew. There's now instant access to warping and teleportation, and freighter bases can be built on a scale that hasn't been seen before. Food can be grown, and new technology can scan and analyze planets from space, which sounds very useful for budding space adventurers. 

Asteroids are now more varied and appear in fields that can overwhelm your screen (and potentially your framerate) as they number in the thousands. There are also Interstellar-style black holes, nebulae, and space atmospherics to explore. You can view these from your windows and portholes that can now be built onto freighters.

No Man's Sky
You too can look cool while staring out at your fleet.

A new expedition, Polestar, has also been added to the game. It focuses on a capital ship voyage. If you want to blow things up, there are also some combat-focused Nexus missions, and if you use Twitch you can take advantage of that in the new Twitch Drops campaign.

If you like patches, there are some new woven expedition patches that have been made available on the merch store. A limited re-run of Christopher C. Castillo’s playing cards are also available, so act fast if you want either.

For more information on No Man's Sky, Hello Games, and everything in between, stay tuned to TechRaptor.

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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Game Page No Man's Sky
Hello Games
PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Release Date
August 9, 2016 (Calendar)
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