Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Publicly Playable For The First Time At Gamescom 2019

Published: May 3, 2019 10:15 AM /


Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Available To Play At Gamescom 2019

Turkish developer TaleWorlds Entertainment has announced that they will allow fans to try out the long-anticipated Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord at Gamescom 2019. Last month we had some updates on the upcoming open-world RPG. There were some details on its economy and trade, as well as how keep battles are designed. It certainly seems that the game is closer to release than it's ever been since it's been announced in 2012, and the willingness to allow fans to try the game out at Gamescom 2019 also suggests that the long wait may be close to ending.

The Steam update adds some details on what they can expect to see and play at Gamescom 2019. They inform that anyone with a ticket will be able to visit their public booth and experience this early build of Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord for themselves, not just press. However, this preview will include only some of the multiplayer modes. The reasons for this are explained by the developer in terms of time constraints, meaning that the single-player mode is more time-consuming and demanding.

For obvious reasons, play sessions in these events need to be time-limited in order to accommodate as many people as possible – and because of that, and because of the huge scope of the single-player mode, it would be impossible for visitors to experience even a glimpse of what the sandbox has to offer. However, multiplayer modes are more intense and concentrated, and allow you to experience first-hand the very core of the game: the combat system.
That makes sense, considering that a single-player experience tends to vary from player to player, as some might want to inspect and explore each area patiently, while others might want to run through areas and levels and focus on the action. So while the single-player mode will be showcased in the business area, as TaleWorlds explains, you won't be able to experience it firsthand. However, you can expect to see a wide range of screenshots and videos which will cover what's expected to be a sprawling open-world game.

TaleWorlds adds that the development of Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord has been a massive undertaking for the studio, and they are devoting their time and effort to ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible at Gamescom. They also say that "Thankfully, all of the work being done on this front brings us ever closer to the release of the game, so it is time well spent!" That, however, doesn't mean they are ready to announce a release date yet, so fans might have to wait a bit longer for an official announcement on that front and hope it is before the heat death of the universe.

So if you were planning on attending Gamescom this year, this might be the extra incentive you needed to order your tickets. You can also follow Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with other news.

Are you planning on attending Gamescom this year? Will you check out Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord? Let us know in the comments below!

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Richard Costa
| Staff Writer

Hack for hire, indentured egghead, maverick thoughtcriminal. Mainly interested in Western RPGs, first-person immersion, turn-based tactics, point-and-… More about Richard

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
Release Date
March 31, 2020 (Calendar)
Sandbox, RPG, Action
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