Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition Drops as Low as 512p on Xbox Series S

It looks like the Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition resolution struggles on the Xbox Series S — it can drop as low as 512p in some sections of the game.

Published: June 16, 2021 5:06 PM /


Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition resolution Digital Foundry cover

It looks like the Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition resolution struggles on the Xbox Series S according to a new report from Digital Foundry — it can drop as low as 512p in some sections of the game.

Metro Exodus is the third game in the Metro 2033 franchise that details Arytom and Co's thrilling escape from the Moscow Metro into the wilds surrounding the city and beyond. As with the previous games, it's also getting an enhanced edition that improves it in several ways compared to the original release. Unfortunately, the lower specs of the Xbox Series S don't quite seem up to task according to recent reports.

How is Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition on the Xbox Series S?

A detailed report from Digital Foundry was highlighted by its sister website Eurogamer. One of the key facts it uncovered was that the Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition can drop as low as 512p on the Xbox Series S — that's 912 pixels x 512 pixels.

The key priority for this version of Metro Exodus is to use ray tracing and to target 60FPS — even if it comes at the cost of resolution. Digital Foundry reckons that the game never truly hits 1080p when you're moving around the world; rather, it believes it's actually running at 864p or "a bit lower" when doing open-world gameplay. However, things get worse in some other areas or when combat kicks off.

"When combat starts or you go to any of the areas [...] like the Taiga map, for example, it's really not hard to find [the Xbox Series S] running at something like 512p," Digital Foundry's Alex Battaglia said. "And when it runs at something like 512p, it most definitely shows."

"In such moments, it's either very blurry or aliased depending upon what your screen movement is or what kind of objects you're seeing at that time," Battaglia added.

Mind, it's not all bad news — Battaglia says that dips below 60 FPS are "really rather rare." The dips in resolution are certainly less than ideal, but they're an unfortunate consequence of trying to keep all of the game's pretty effects running on somewhat less powerful hardware compared to the Xbox Series X or a decent gaming PC.

Still, Metro Exodus Enhanced looks like it's running pretty good on both Xbox Series S as long as you don't mind a bit of graininess when the resolution has to drop to 512p. If you haven't yet jumped into this great first-person shooter, you can buy Metro Exodus for PC and consoles via its official website starting at $39.99 or your regional equivalent.

What do you think of Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition's performance on the Xbox Series S? Do you consider resolution or framerate more important? Let us know in the comments below!

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More Info About This Game
Learn More About Metro Exodus
Game Page Metro Exodus
4A Games
Deep Silver
PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
Release Date
February 15, 2019 (Calendar)
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