Krizia Bajos is rumored to be She-Hulk in Marvel's Avengers

The same leaker who leaked the Marvel's Avengers' Black Panther voice actor has now leaked She-Hulk's voice actress.

Published: December 30, 2021 10:26 AM /



It's admirable how Marvel's Avengers keeps on trucking. It's had mediocre to slightly above average reviews at best, but despite content such as War for Wakanda continuing to arrive for the beleaguered title, for most the title has refused to rise above anything other than bland mediocrity.

Still, for those who enjoy Square Enix's take on the Avengers, it looks like they have something to be excited about next year with the potential confirmation of Krizia Bajos as She-Hulk's voice actress:

While at the moment this is just a rumor and nothing is confirmed until it we receive the official word, this is from the same guy who leaked Black Panther's voice actor for Marvel's Avengers. So, in this department, he has some serious street cred. 

What does this mean for Marvel's Avengers?

Despite the fact that on the surface it's just another version of the Hulk, She-Hulk is a fairly interesting character. She's one of the smarter heroes on the Avengers, and while she's not as strong as Bruce Banner, she retains her humanity compared to Hulk's all-consuming rage.

This has led to storylines where She-Hulk has continued to work as a lawyer and as an Avenger. This juxtaposition can easily make for an interesting story: how does one balance both worlds? In this incarnation of She-Hulk for Marvel's Avengers, we'll most likely be finding this out.

For more information on Marvel's Avengers, be sure to stay tuned to TechRaptor for more information. In the meantime, while you wait, you should check out cool articles such as Marvel's Avengers, 11 Months Later, and how the in-game cosmetics will soon be earnable.

What do you think of this leak? Let us know in the comments!

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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Crystal Dynamics
Square Enix
Release Date
September 4, 2020 (Calendar)
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