IO Lays Out Hitman 2 Update Road Map for 2019

Published: April 12, 2019 7:37 PM /


hitman 2 gameplay cowboy

Developer IO Interactive announced its plans in 2019 for the stealth-action game Hitman 2. By the end of the year, expect three more maps to join the game, each coming with their own extra goodies. The first of these updates will come in the summer, the latter two will arrive sometime in the fall.

Keep in mind that to access all of these DLC, you'll need to own the Expansion Pass or the Gold Edition of the game. If you own the Silver Edition, you'll only have access to the spring and summer pieces of content.

hitman 2 2019 road map

Hantu Port already came out at the end of last month. That means The Bank stands as the next update to look forward to. Along with the new main target, The Bank comes with two extra Special Assignments, which will ideally serve to make the level more replayable.

In the fall, the first Hitman 2 update you can expect is another sniper map called The Prison. This set of content also comes with the Mumbai ghost mode map, which you can play with friends. Additionally, it comes with a new outfit as well as a new weapon, the antique knife that Agent 47 will be able to make use of.

The last bit of content slated for this fall is The Resort and much like The Bank, this location comes with a main target as well as additional Special Assignments.

IO claims that everything listed in the image is "just a selection of everything," with it just hitting some of the highlights in this roadmap. The developer promises monthly road map updates as well as livestreams, so we might learn more about Hitman 2's upcoming month soon. In addition, there weekly live content of challenge packs, elusive targets, community escalations, and feature contracts. They also ask that you keep in mind that all the content listed is subject to change as the months go by due to any of a variety of reasons, although presumably, this is some of the content they feel most secure with saying it will come.

If you want to learn more about Hitman 2, check out our review which gave it an 8.5, saying "Hitman 2 offers more of the same, but that same is sharper, prettier, and more refined. The new additions are great improvements and the maps are some of the series' strongest."

Are you looking forward to the upcoming Hitman 2 content? Are you interested in Hitman 2 The Bank level? Let us know in the comments below.

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Robert Scarpinito TechRaptor
| Features Editor

Robert Scarpinito is the Features Editor of TechRaptor. With a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from the Ohio State University, sharing compelling stories is… More about Robert

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Hitman 2
Game Page Hitman 2
IO Interactive
PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Release Date
November 13, 2018 (Calendar)
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