IO Interactive Reveals All 6 Hitman 3 Locations

Agent 47's travels in Hitman 3 will take him across 3 different continents and incorporate some major landmarks.

Published: January 11, 2021 11:28 AM /


Agent 47 looking moody in official artwork for Hitman 3

IO Interactive has revealed all 6 new Hitman 3 locations. Agent 47's travels will take him across 3 different continents and conclude the narrative begun in 2016's Hitman. As part of his journey, 47 will visit the tallest building in the world, a spooky English manor, and more.

What are the 6 new Hitman 3 locations?

According to IO Interactive, each new Hitman 3 location has been "crafted to deliver a unique and memorable gameplay experience". It certainly looks like all 6 will be visually distinct from one another and offer plenty of opportunities for creative kills. Here's a spoiler-free rundown of all 6 new Hitman 3 locations. Of course, if you want to know absolutely nothing about Hitman 3 going in, you might want to avert your eyes.

Dubai, UAE

Dubai, one of the new Hitman 3 locations

47's travels to Dubai will see him attending the opening ceremony of the tallest building in the world. It looks like the building is heavily inspired by - but distinct from - the real-world Burj Khalifa, which is still the tallest skyscraper in the world at time of writing.

Dartmoor, United Kingdom

Dartmoor, one of the new Hitman 3 locations

As befits the English setting, the Dartmoor map is the home of a "mission with a murder mystery twist", according to IO. You can either choose your own murder method or adopt the role of a classic British detective to solve a murder while also eliminating your target.

Berlin, Germany

Berlin, one of the new Hitman 3 locations

In Berlin, 47 will drink in the city's legendary nightlife and get a chance to experience the "fairytales [and] vibrant style" of the German capital. It's not clear who or what 47's target will be here, but it's sure to be a memorable mission.

Chongqing, China

Chongqing, one of the new Hitman 3 locations

47's time in Chongqing takes him to a transportation hub with plenty of opportunities to discover secrets and alternate routes to his target. As you might expect, Chongqing will be a neon-drenched, busy map full of nooks and crannies to explore.

Mendoza, Argentina

Mendoza, Argentina, one of the new Hitman 3 locations

Hitman 3's penultimate mission takes place in the vineyards of Mendoza, Argentina. This beautiful rural map will give 47 plenty of opportunities to explore, drink in the atmosphere (literally), and, of course, find creative ways to murder his targets.

Carpathian Mountains, Romania

The Carpathian Mountains, one of the new Hitman 3 locations

Finally, 47 will travel to the Carpathian Mountains in Romania for the final mission of Hitman 3 (and thus also the final mission of the trilogy). IO Interactive is staying pretty tight-lipped about this one, which makes sense as it'll conclude 47's story in this "World of Assassination" trilogy.

Hitman 3 is coming to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on January 20th. It'll also be available for PS4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia, as well as Nintendo Switch via cloud streaming. IO Interactive says it'll be revealing more details on how you can carry over your progress from Hitman 2 to Hitman 3 at a later date, so be sure to stay tuned for more info on that.

Are you looking forward to heading into Agent 47's world one more time for Hitman 3? Let us know in the comments below!

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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Game Page Hitman 3
IO Interactive
IO Interactive
Release Date
January 20, 2021 (Calendar)
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