Hitman 2 Update Significantly Beefs Up Ghost Mode

The April 30, 2019 launch of the April Update for Hitman 2 supports Ghost Mode fans with a variety of new tricks and tactics as well as a new map.

Published: May 1, 2019 12:23 AM /



The April 30, 2019 launch of the April Update for Hitman 2 (our review) supports Ghost Mode fans with a variety of new tricks and tactics as well as a new map. Balance changes and a new costume unlock round out the offerings.

Hitman 2 Update Lets you Express with New Emotes, Items, and Costume

Two of the most noticeable changes for players in Ghost Mode come in the form of new emotes and items. Four new emotes let you blow kisses, slow clap, shake your head and give the evil eye to your ghostly opponent in multiplayer missions.

Follow the emotes with one of the four new items to add a bit more spice to your opponent’s challenge. The freeze grenade slows your opponent, while the outfit manipulator randomizes outfits for both players. Or go lethal with a proximity mine or a timely flashbang that affects your opponent's map as well as your own.

Score 100 Ghost Mode kills in a new challenge to receive the Phantom Suit costume. The Phantom Assassin challenge is all new and counts all kills made on any Ghost Mode target.

Hitman 2 Ghost Mode New Map

The lush jungles of Santa Fortuna are available as the game’s second Ghost Mode map. Make use of trees and foliage as well as the local amenities as you relentlessly stalk your target while making life difficult for your opponent. While they haven't shared a copy of the map, its large difference from the base map will significantly increase the range of play for Hitman 2 Ghost Mode.

Ghost Mode Target Variations

Players tired of killing the same target over and over will notice that their marks now have four new sets of clothing. While few assassins stop to check the garb of their targets before making short work of them, this gives a total of five variations for players to assassinate and conceal to score points in Ghost Mode.

Hitman 2 Silent Assassin Score Revamp

Hitman 2 has also reworked the scoring for the ultimate 5-star level. Players can no longer reach the pinnacle of skill at all if they fail concealment or allow a camera to record them without destroying the evidence. Even trespassing and suspicion levels can ruin chances for Silent Assassin scoring. And giving you a reason to hit the new Rematch button for sweet revenge if a lucky Ghost Coin or Proximity Mine ruins your score.

Hitman 2 Ghost Mode Quality of Life Improvements

Additional quality of life improvements simplify starting a match of Ghost Mode. Instant pairing randomizes the maps, while invites let you choose which location will become your PvP killing field. The lobby is redesigned to be more intuitive with multiple map choices, and ghost items are now clearly labeled as such to avoid confusion. Special FX have been added to ghost items so you can tell at a glance if they affect one or both worlds without having to walk over to them.

This large patch brings the April roadmap from the Hitman 2 crew to an end, and it also includes a wealth of minor bug and exploit fixes announced on the official patch page. The same day also sees the release of the Hitman 2 Miami Pack DLC.

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Game Page Hitman 2
IO Interactive
PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Release Date
November 13, 2018 (Calendar)
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