Hitman 2 Accidentally Leaked, Will be Published by Warner Bros.

Published: June 5, 2018 11:02 AM /



Last night, another game was accidentally leaked out onto the internet a few days before E3 officially begins.

This time it was Hitman 2, with a logo for the game released to the internet on Warner Bros. Interactive website. The logo has since been taken down.

hitman 2 logo

It is currently unknown if the title is a remake or related to Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, first released back in 2002. Most likely, it is season two of Hitman which received a retail release with WB this year and began being released back in 2016.

The franchise, owned by developer IO-Interactive, was originally a subsidiary of Square Enix before the Japanese company sold off IO-Interactive last year. IO-Interactive was able to keep the rights of the franchise, which they have held onto since the first game was released in 2000.

IO-Interactive CEO Hakan Abrack did confirm a new entry to the series is currently in development back in November of last year.

WB Games and the official Hitman Twitter have been teasing a new game as well since yesterday. The Hitman twitter implied a return of Agent 47 stating something was coming on June 7, while the WB twitter pointed out a new game reveal in 72 hours, a reference to their upcoming pre-E3 announcement. The teaser showcased a racecar with the brand "Hamsun." Longtime fans of the Hitman franchise will know that is an oil company with several references in season 1 of the episodic Hitman title that was originally published by Square Enix.

The franchise has spanned six games in the main series since the year 2000 and is celebrated for its mix of stealth and action gameplay. The latest installment, titled Hitman, was released in 2016. The game was known for its episodic content, which received a mixed reception from fans but a positive reception from critics. Part of the issue with it for fans was the back and forth method with which Square Enix described it, changing almost everytime they talked about it for several months. IO-Interactive noted that they had over three seasons worth of content planned for Hitman, even working on the content during their sale from Square Enix. It is currently unknown if Hitman 2 will continue with the episodic content strategy.

What are your thoughts on all of this? Excited to see more of Agent 47? Leave your comments below and be sure to check out all of our E3 2018 coverage here

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A longtime player of games, creator of worlds, and teacher of minds. Robert has worked many positions over the years, from college professor to education… More about Robert

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Hitman 2
Game Page Hitman 2
IO Interactive
PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Release Date
November 13, 2018 (Calendar)
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