Extended Dead Island 2 Gameplay Trailer Shows Off Zombie-Slaying And More

Deep Silver has released a new extended Dead Island 2 gameplay video, showing off the game's crunchy zombie-slaying and proving that we really are just a few weeks away from release now.

Published: March 2, 2023 10:32 AM /


A survivor ignoring a zombie reaching out for him on the boardwalk in Dead Island 2

Deep Silver and developer Dambuster Studios have released a brand new Dead Island 2 gameplay trailer, showing you what kind of zombie-slaying antics you can expect if you make the trip to "Hell-A" next month. As you can imagine, there's lots of outlandish weaponry to discover, as well as quests to complete, stashes to find, and much more.

The trailer (which you can watch here; it's age-restricted, so we can't embed it) consists of around 15 minutes of gameplay, taking us to the areas of Beverly Hills and Bel-Air. The demo focuses on brawler Dani, a foul-mouthed punk from Ireland who focuses on doing serious damage with melee weaponry. Although each Slayer has a different skillset and different starting stats, you can customize them however you like, building different characters as you see fit.

We also get a look at the new FLESH system, which makes every kill look and feel gory and bloody. The system also lets you target individual enemy weaknesses so that you can tailor your approach to each different enemy. Even if you're just maiming zombies or melting them with fire, though, the system makes the kill look and feel great, according to the devs.

The player wielding electric claws against a horde of zombies in Dead Island 2
Dead Island 2 will focus on both outlandish melee weaponry and gunplay.

As well as the combat, which will revolve around both melee weapons and gunplay, we also got a look at some of the larger-than-life survivors you'll meet on your journey. One group is having a party amidst the zombie apocalypse, asking you to grab supplies for them from a garage infested by zombies. The tone, as you've probably guessed, is pretty offbeat and comedic, with the player character offering regular quips and observations about their situation.

Near the end of the trailer, the player reaches their first objective, which is the Halperin Hotel (here repurposed as an evac zone). Of course, when you arrive, things aren't as you imagine they would be, so you'll need to improvise a new solution, and yes, that involves killing lots of zombies with sledgehammers, electric claws, and whatever else you can get your hands on.

After numerous delays and developer changes, Dead Island 2 is finally set to launch on April 21st for PC, PlayStation consoles, and Xbox platforms. Hopefully this time it doesn't get delayed again, although the existence of an in-depth gameplay trailer suggests that we're finally on the home stretch. Watch this space for more Dead Island 2 news.

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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Game Page Dead Island 2
Deep Silver
Release Date
April 28, 2023 (Calendar)
Action, Horror
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