Exit The Gungeon PC and Console Releases Announced

Published: January 8, 2020 10:30 AM /


Exit The Gungeon PC and Console cover

2020 is starting off as a good year for Enter The Gungeon developer Dodge Roll Games. Not only have they announced that Exit The Gungeon PC and console editions are on the way — another game set in the Gungeon universe is also coming to arcades. Yes, arcades.

Kicking things off, a tweet from Dodge Roll Games has announced that Entire The Gungeon has sold three million copies to date, so that's pretty darn cool. Alongside this neat milestone, they've also announced that Exit The Gungeon will be coming to PC and consoles in the first half of 2020.

If you're unfamiliar with Exit The Gungeon, it continues the adventures of the Gungeoneers in a new kind of scenario. This "dungeon climber" game has you escaping vertically while dodging a butt-ton of bullets being shot at you. It's already out for Apple Arcade, but it will soon be making its way to PC and consoles.

House of the Gundead

Suffer Like G Did in House of the Gundead

As if the Exit The Gungeon PC and Console editions weren't good enough news, the Gungeon universe is also expanding to... arcades? Yes, arcades.

Check out this trailer for House of the Gundead to bask in the glory of this cool lightgun action:

House of the Gundead was originally announced during E3 2019 and we haven't heard much about it since. We do know that it will be exclusive to arcades and debuting sometime this year, although I don't see why they couldn't eventually port it to PC. It'd certainly be pretty cool in VR at the minimum!

In any case, you'll be able to play Exit The Gungeon on PC and consoles sometime in the first half of 2020. You can also enjoy the O.G. Enter The Gungeon experience on PC via Steam, the Humble Store, the Epic Games Store, or DRM-free on GOG at a price of $14.99 or your regional equivalent. You can also get it for the Nintendo Switch via the eShop or the Humble Store, the Xbox One via the Microsoft Store, and the PlayStation 4 via the PlayStation Store.

Disclosure: The Epic Games Store, GOG, and Humble Bundle work with TechRaptor for affiliate partnership, and TechRaptor earns a small commission off purchases made from some links in this article.

What do you think of the upcoming Exit The Gungeon PC and console versions? Would you want to see House of the Gundead come to PC or consoles? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Enter the Gungeon
Game Page Enter the Gungeon
Dodge Roll
Devolver Digital
Release Date
April 5, 2016 (Calendar)
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