E3 2019 Attendance Down Slightly, Coming Back to LA Next Year

This story from 2019 looks at attendance figures for E3 2019.

Published: June 14, 2019 6:03 PM /


The logo for E3 2019

E3 2019 is finished, and gaming's biggest event has come and gone with some good results.

By the numbers, E3 2019 is an overall success, with 66,100 in attendance to this year's expo checking out over 200 exhibitors, of which 50 or so were first time booths this year.

Attendance was slightly down from last year by about 3,000 people, but the CEO of the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), Stanley Pierre-Louis, is satisfied with the expo's continued success.

Keanu Reeves standing in front of a display for Cyberpunk 2077 at E3 2019

“E3 is where the video game industry’s biggest brands and biggest fans converge to shape the future. E3’s energy and excitement were felt in the halls, on the floors, and press conference," said Pierre-Louis. "We broke records, saw incredible innovations, and had breathtaking moments that entertained the world. Congratulations to our creative and innovative exhibitors, members, and partners who made such a fantastic E3 possible.”

The records broken refer to the number of booths and numbers tuning in through social media. Over 3.2 million conversations were started on Twitter over E3, with another 1.2 million viewers through streaming services.

E3 dominated the social media landscape this week. Since the start of E3, there have been more than 3.2 million E3 conversations on Twitter. The E3 Coliseum drew more than 1.2 million viewers of discussions with the brightest minds from business and entertainment. There was some concern that the lack actual conferences from industry stalwarts such as Sony would affect those numbers, but it appears to not have had any significant impact.

The ESA has already announced next years event schedule. E3 2020 will take place between June 9th-11th and once again occupy the Los Angeles Convention Center.

Quick Take

E3 has changed so much since its original trade show expo back in the 1990s, and is mostly for the better for it. Allowing the general public a chance to check out the showroom floor was always the direction it would eventually go, and the days of dominating conferences are beginning to shift, thanks in part to Nintendo Direct and their Treehouse showcase. 

It is still one of the most busiest and excitable times of the year, and even when working on articles like this, it does put a smile on my face that E3 can still deliver on enough games, surprises and more after all these years following the industry. 

What do you think about E3? Did you follow our coverage of E3 2019? If not, check out our E3 Coverage Hub

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| Staff Writer

A longtime player of games, creator of worlds, and teacher of minds. Robert has worked many positions over the years, from college professor to education… More about Robert