Darkest Dungeon: The Butcher's Circus Details PVP Mechanics

Published: April 23, 2020 4:15 PM /


Darkest Dungeon: The Butcher's Circus cover

More information about the Darkest Dungeon: The Butcher's Circus PVP system has been revealed! If you've been curious about how these player vs. player battles will play out, the details are finally here!

If you're not familiar with Darkest Dungeon, you're missing out on a pretty challenging game. A troupe of adventurers sets out to explore dungeons, ruins, temples, and all sorts of other intriguing (and deadly) locations.

But this is not your usual fun romp in search of treasure and loot. Your team will have to contend with various psychological effects as they encounter otherworldly horrors. The most terrifying monsters are far from the only danger you'll encounter on your journeys.

Now, Red Hook Studios has detailed how the PVP will work in Darkest Dungeon: The Butcher's Circus — and it looks pretty interesting indeed!

Darkest Dungeon The Butcher's Circus slice

How Does Darkest Dungeon: The Butcher's Circus Work?

Players with this upcoming DLC will be able to enter The Circus instead of one of the dungeons right from the menu. They can take along any of the adventurers they have access to, but be warned: these are not the same ones as the roster in your Hamlet. You'll be able to have a grand ol' time without worrying about messing up your campaign. Additionally, the PVP abilities of characters will be balanced separately, meaning that sick combo you worked out may not translate over.

A heck of a lot of people are on a budget right now, but you won't have to worry about the price of this DLC, either — it's being given away to all players absolutely for free! (You will, however, only be able to play as the DLC characters in the circus if you've paid for their associated content.)

At first, The Circus will only be available on Steam and on Windows. Mac and Linux support will be coming at a later date, and other platforms are still to be determined. The devs say that future porting efforts largely depend on how well this DLC is received.

Don't worry too much about cheaters, either — the same service that handles the game's matchmaking, analytics, and progression will also be running an anti-cheat system. You'll have to accept a new EULA in order to play, plus the usual GDPR nonsense. And if you don't feel like playing against people at all, there is also the option to just fight bots instead.

You can read more about the Darkest Dungeon: The Butcher's Circus DLC on Steam. If you don't yet already own the game, you can pick it up on Steam, the Humble Store, or DRM-free on GOG for $24.99 or your regional equivalent. You can also add The Butcher's Circus to your wishlist on Steam.

Disclosure: GOG and Humble Bundle work with TechRaptor for affiliate partnership, and TechRaptor earns a small commission off purchases made from some links in this article.

What do you think of Darkest Dungeon's upcoming PVP gameplay? Do you think it will be a success? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Darkest Dungeon
Game Page Darkest Dungeon
Red Hook Studios
Red Hook Studios
Release Date
January 19, 2016 (Calendar)
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