Dark Souls Servers Are Coming Back, FromSoftware Says

After months of silence, Bandai Namco has finally confirmed that Dark Souls servers will be coming back online for all three games, starting with Dark Souls 3.

Published: May 27, 2022 1:42 PM /


Dark Souls Servers Restoring cover

Bandai Namco has confirmed that Dark Souls servers are coming back, starting with Dark Souls 3. Unfortunately, it has not yet stated how long it would take to restore online functionality for all three games.

Earlier this year, Dark Souls servers were shut down following the discovery of a Remote Code Execution (RCE) exploit. While Bandai Namco identified the issue shortly thereafter, it confirmed that servers for Dark SoulsDark Souls 2, and Dark Souls 3 would remain offline well after the launch of Elden Ring. Now, there's some very good news for fans of Soulslike games: Bandai Namco has confirmed that the Dark Souls servers are coming back.

Dark Souls Servers Restoring slice

What's Happening with the Dark Souls Servers?

PC Gamer reports (via Reddit) that it has finally heard back from Bandai Namco about the state of Dark Souls servers. They've been provided a statement, and it has some very good news for people who have missed playing the game online.

Here's the published text of the statement that PC Gamer received:

"We are currently in the process of restoring the online servers for the Dark Souls series on PC. We plan to restore online service for each game progressively, bringing back servers for Dark Souls 3 once we complete the necessary work to correct the problem."

"We will provide additional updates as soon as the restoration schedule is finalized. We want to thank all our players for your patience and understanding as we work to fix this issue."

Surprisingly, Bandai Namco will be restoring service for all three games; the Demon's Souls servers for the original game had been shut down in February 2018. This would have been as good of an opportunity as any to close down the servers for the older games, but it seems like either FromSoftware or Bandai Namco believe that there is still an audience that justifies keeping these servers running.

Sadly, there's no firm timeline for when we can expect the Dark Souls servers to be back online, but at least we know they're coming back sometime in the future. If you want a solid Soulslike experience with online play, your best bet is to buy FromSoftware's latest release Elden Ring for PC and consoles starting at the price of $59.99 or your regional equivalent.

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Game Page Dark Souls
Namco Bandai Games
Release Date
September 22, 2011 (Calendar)
Action RPG
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