Children of Morta Switch Version Delayed to November

Published: October 7, 2019 3:30 PM /


Children of Morta Screenshot

Earlier today, developer Dead Mage and publisher 11 bit studios announced that the release date for Children of Morta's Nintendo Switch version has been delayed from October 15th to November 20th.

Dead Mage and 11 bit studios wrote in a statement, 

Spending 5 years creating a game is exhausting. Spending 5 years creating a game and then
having to delay it—that’s just brutal—but when you’re aiming for excellence and you know it’s
within your grasp, you just do it. Such is the case with Children of Morta on the Nintendo Switch.
We still have a couple of kinks to work out and are pushing for quality over anything else. The
community may forgive us for the delay, but forgiveness won’t come so easily if we release a
game that’s not working perfectly. As delivering the best performance is our highest priority, we
are simply delaying the game to November 20th to allow ourselves the time we need. Xbox One
and PlayStation 4 releases are going as planned on the 15th of October.

At 11 bit studios, there is no space for compromise when it comes to quality. For players, it
means a bit more of a wait. For us, a bit more hard work which we’re glad to do because, in the
end, we all have the same goal -- a fantastic game.

To reiterate, Children of Morta's Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions will both still release on their originally-planned date of October 15th, 2019.  

Children of Morta screenshot

Children of Morta is an action rogue-lite in which you play as an entire family of heroes through an emotional narrative. It originally released on PC on September 3, 2019. TechRaptor's Robert Adams reviewed the PC version back in September, writing, "What I can say wholeheartedly and enthusiastically is that Children of Morta is a game that's well worth your time and your hard-earned dollars. I unabashedly loved it..." 

What do you think of the Children of Morta Switch delay? Are you planning on picking it up on Switch, or have you already played it? Let us know in the comments below!

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Jack Waibel Profile Pic
| Staff Writer

Jack Waibel is a writer, dungeon master, and lifelong gamer, with words appearing in EGM and TechRaptor. He’s tapped more land cards than modern science can… More about Jack

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Children of Morta
Game Page Children of Morta
Dead Mage
11 Bit Studios
Release Date
September 1, 2019 (Calendar)
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