Battlefield 2042 Weekly Missions System Disabled

Due to the events taking place in Ukraine and Russia, Battlefield 2042 has disabled Weekly Missions for this week.

Published: February 25, 2022 11:55 AM /


Battlefield 2042

With all the negative press surrounding Battlefield 2042 and EA, it's interesting that EA/DICE has decided to disable their Battlefield 2042 Weekly Missions. They have a good reason for it, though: due to Russia invading Ukraine, the Battlefield 2042 Weekly Missions system has been disabled for this week, with this weeks reward no longer available to unlock. For those quick enough to already unlock their Battlefield 2042 Weekly Missions, they will not be affected by this change, and the event will return next week.

This isn't the first video game that has been affected by the Russia and Ukraine conflict. Wargaming have paused their ads, with new ads to come in the near future. Given their ads prominently feature tanks, and some in the past have had messaging that could be read as disrespectful to Ukraine from the Belarus-based developer.

Wargaming also told their ad partners to "remove banners, push ads, and videos from their sites, although any text ads and spots "without images of military equipment" are OK." Given that World of Tanks is, well, a game about tanks and other military equipment, this might make advertising the game fairly difficult.

World of Tanks
Yeah, this might come across as a little insensitive.

Another game affected is This War of MineStarting yesterday, its profits are going to be donated to the Ukrainian Red Cross over the next seven days. That's right: 100% of their profits from 11 bit studios (with some from GOG as well) are going to be going to the Ukrainian Red Cross, which is a very nice thing to do. This will affect the game across all digital platforms, and given that the game has sold millions of copies that could amount to a decent amount of cash that's eventually given to the Ukrainian Red Cross. This isn't the only time 11 bit studios have done this either, as they raised over a half-million dollars back in 2018 for the War Child charity.

For more information on Battlefield, gaming culture, and everything in between, stay tuned to TechRaptor.

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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Game Page Battlefield 2042
Electronic Arts
Release Date
November 19, 2021 (Calendar)
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