Battlefield 2042 Login Issues Disrupt Season 1 Launch

Players are having difficulty logging into Battlefield 2042 after the launch of the game's first content season, and EA says it's aware of the problem

Published: June 9, 2022 9:26 AM /


Soldiers fixing a machine in Battlefield 2042

Players are reporting Battlefield 2042 login issues after the game's Season 1 content launched today. EA says it's aware of the problem and is investigating, but naturally, Battlefield 2042 players aren't particularly happy about the situation.

What's causing these Battlefield 2042 login issues?

A few days ago, EA confirmed the release date for its Battlefield 2042 Update 1.0 patch, which it said would bring new content and numerous gameplay improvements. Unfortunately, though, as you might expect from a game whose launch was plagued by bugs and issues, the Battlefield 2042 Season 1 launch has not gone according to plan. Multiple players are reporting issues logging into the game, with many simply stuck on "connecting" screens. Others, according to EA, are able to reach the home screen, but are then unable to connect to an in-game server. Oh, dear.

An explosion and lots of vehicles in Battlefield 2042
This massive explosion pretty much describes the current state of Battlefield 2042's servers.

EA is aware of the problem and says that the dev team is currently entirely focused on finding a solution for it. According to EA, the team is presenting errors that says the game is not "correctly syncing [players'] accounts with Season One content", so it sounds like the problem is server-side. The community reaction has, predictably enough, been pretty negative; many players are demanding compensation, while others are wondering how this happens with a major AAA title like Battlefield 2042. The game is not without its fair share of defenders, either, with some taking EA's side and expressing faith that the game will be fixed shortly. For a game whose subreddit was once considered for locking due to overwhelming toxicity, the discussion seems pretty civil, too.

What is Battlefield 2042?

Contrary to its name, Battlefield 2042 is not the two thousand and forty-second installment of the Battlefield series. It's a futuristic multiplayer shooter which doesn't feature a single-player campaign and which emphasizes near-future military tech like drones, turrets, and futuristic weaponry. Rather than Battlefield's traditional classes, players take the role of Specialists, each of whom has a different equipment loadout and takes on a different role within the team. Since release, the game has been negatively received by players due to a perceived lack of quality and content; players have accused it of missing many features they expect from a game like this, as well as removing popular modes and suffering from hundreds of bugs and gameplay balance issues.

The Specialists in Battlefield 2042
Battlefield 2042 has been negatively received since its launch last year, with players citing bugs, gameplay balance problems, and missing content as reasons for their displeasure.

Although EA says it's working on a fix for these Battlefield 2042 login issues, we don't yet have a timeline for when you can expect the problem to be fixed. As such, it might be a while before you can log onto Battlefield 2042 and start playing the new season content. If you really want to, you can pick up Battlefield 2042 right now on PC and consoles. Given the current state of the game, though, as well as the general player reception, it might be a better idea to wait a little while before you do.

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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Electronic Arts
Release Date
November 19, 2021 (Calendar)
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