Astroneer Nintendo Switch Release Date Lands in Early 2022

The Astroneer Nintendo Switch release date has been locked in for early 2022 -- you'll soon be able to play this open-world survival crafting game on the go.

Published: December 8, 2021 5:31 PM /


Astroneer Nintendo Switch release date cover

The Astroneer Nintendo Switch release date has been locked in for early 2022 -- you'll soon be able to play this open-world survival crafting game on the go.

Astroneer has been out for close to five years now ever since it first launched in Steam Early Access in December 2016. Since its launch, the game has added new exploration tools and Creative Mode support; System Era Softworks has also brought the game to other platforms such as PlayStation 4. Now, another platform is joining the roster -- Astroneer comes to Nintendo Switch in a little over a month.

The announcement of a Nintendo Switch version was first made earlier this year during a Nintendo Indie World showcase. This isn't just a straight port, mind; developer System Era Softworks had a lot of work to do to squeeze an entire solar system into Nintendo's hybrid handheld.

"We have re-architected core systems specifically for the hardware to make sure you can enjoy the full Astroneer experience on the go, and we have worked to add functionality for Switch specific features like local co-op, support for the pro-controller & more," read the announcement. "The Switch version will include all content that we have shipped to date, as well as a brand new update when it goes live."

Unfortunately, there's one downside -- there won't be any Crossplay between Nintendo Switch and other platforms at launch. Hopefully, System Era Softworks can figure out how to make that work in a future update.

Astroneer Nintendo Switch release date slice

When is the Astroneer Nintendo Switch Release Date?

The Astroneer Nintendo Switch release date is Thursday, January 13, 2022. It will launch with support for 11 languages at launch and you'll need to have a total of 1.2 GB of storage free on your Switch.

For now, you can pre-order Astroneer for the Nintendo Switch for $29.99 or your regional equivalent (or add it to your wishlist on the eShop). If you'd prefer to get the game on another platform, you can buy Astroneer right now for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox via its official website.

What do you think of Astroneer coming to the Nintendo Switch? What's your favorite open-world survival crafting game on the Switch? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Xbox One, PC
Release Date
December 31, 1969 (Calendar)
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