The Ascent Update Adds Free Chongqing Pack

A new The Ascent update has arrived, and that's not all -- the developers have released the free Chongqing Pack DLC for all players.

Published: January 27, 2022 3:35 PM /


The Ascent Update Free Chongqing Pack cover

A new The Ascent update has arrived, and that's not all -- the developers have released the free Chongqing Pack DLC for all players.

Neon Giant has been hard at work cranking out new content for The Ascent ever since it was first announced at Inside Xbox 2020. The game proved to be pretty popular on launch, racking up over $5 million in sales on its launch weekend. Since then, a number of updates arrived including the addition of photo mode; now, a new The Ascent update is here along with a free piece of DLC to celebrate the Lunar New Year.

What's New in The Ascent Update Patch #7?

The Ascent Update Patch #7 is largely focused on bug fixes, so there's not much of note on that front. The bigger piece of news, however, is the introduction of the free Chongqing Pack DLC.

The Chongqing Pack DLC gives players access to three clothing items, 2 shirt skins, and 2 weapon skins.

  • The Interhabber Shades: Worn by Habbers that have seen the world, this piece doesn’t come cheap, but you’ll look amazing and that’s all that matters
  • The Distant Goggles: A very sightly set of goggles. The style has become popular outside of the Arcology and is finally getting more available here as well. Goggle shortages, am I right?
  • The Moon Jacket: This won’t stop bullets, but it will stop others in their tracks, as they gaze upon your magnificent Moon Jacket
  • 2 new tiger-themed Shirt skins: Tiger and Tiger White
  • And last but not least, the 2 new weapons skins: Tiger and Tiger White!

The Interhabber Shades (13,300 ucreds), Distant Goggles (16,500 ucreds), and Moon Jacket (22,000 ucreds) can be acquired at any Armor Vendor. As for the weapon and shirt skins, you can apply the weapon skins for free at any Gun Smith and you can apply the shirt skins for free at any Grafter.

New cosmetic content aside, today's The Ascent update also teases work on future content -- a New Game + is expected to arrive early this year alongside the Cyber-Warrior Pack. You can read about all of the changes in today's announcement.

The Ascent Chongqing Pack DLC is available for free for all players on Steam and it should be hitting other platforms in short order. If you haven't yet jumped into the game, you can buy The Ascent for PC and Xbox via its official website for $29.99 or your regional equivalent. You can also buy The Ascent at a discount on PC via Steam for $20.09, a 33% discount as part of the Steam Lunar New Year Sale.

What do you think of The Ascent Chongqing Pack DLC? What's your favorite piece of cosmetic content in the game? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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