Ark: Dinosaur Discovery Invites Kids To Discover Dinos on Nintendo Switch

Ark: Dinosaur Discovery allows kids to discover the amazing world of Dinosaurs right from their Nintendo Switch next month.

Published: October 28, 2022 3:44 PM /


Ark: Dinosaur Discovery header image, where we see the logo in front of a vast blue lake and beach

Alongside a massive overhaul to Ark: Survival Evolved that fixes a number of known Switch port issues, comes a new and interesting game for kids! Ark: Dinosaur Discovery is a kid-friendly version of Ark that allows kids to learn about their favorite dino friends, and it is headed to the Nintendo Switch next month.

First up is Ark: Dinosaur Discovery, which also announced its release date. Ark: Dinosaur Discovery looks to be not only fun but educational for kids, which is never a bad thing. In the trailer for Ark: Dinosaur Discovery, we see the explorer looking at the different dinosaurs in-game and showing the name of each dinosaur discovered at the bottom left of the screen. There is absolutely no violence in-game, and young learning minds can begin to discover real-life Ark dinosaurs right from their Switch console. The Ark: Dinosaur Discovery release date is set for November 9, 2022, on the Nintendo Switch, and will be free to those who own ARK: Survival Evolved on Switch. It will also be available to purchase separately.

Players will join HLN-A, an AI explorer who will guide kids on their journey through Ark. There are 64 total dinosaurs for children to discover, each of which is based on the real-life facts that we know about dinosaurs today. Kids will even be able to ride the massive T-Rex throughout the vast expanse of land available to explore or soar through the bright blue skies on the back of a Pteranodon.

There is also a Dino Book to unlock for each dino available, which gives fun facts and illustrations about the dinosaur the player unlocks. Lastly, players can top it all off with their very own home base that they can fully customize and build from the ground up, really making it feel like you are the adventurer out in the wilderness scouting for pre-historic wonders. 

Screenshot of Ark: Dinosaur Discovery, where we see what looks like a childs book showing the Stegosaurus and fun facts about the creature

Ark: Survival Evolved Update Details

We learned that is Ark: Survival Evolved finally getting some much-needed TLC to its Switch port. The devs state that the update will enhance the graphic quality, fix known performance issues such as low frame rates and rendering troubles, and reduce loading times. When the game was originally ported to the Switch, it was immediately apparent that the quality of the game was substantially reduced compared to both the PC and Console versions. The graphics were either over-pixelated, or the textures were completely smooth. Trees would fail to render until you were almost running into them, and the game almost made you feel like you needed a pair of glasses, as it was blurred in some areas.

Loading times became another issue that really turned people away from wanting to play the newly ported version. While a wait time to boot up a game is nothing new in the industry, some people were waiting over three minutes for the game to load; that is a massive amount of time to render assets. More so, the devs say that there are even more quality-of-life features being added, such as a virtual cursor and improved inventory management. The update is set to release on November 1, 2022. 

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Samantha Plaisance Gaming Writer
| Former Staff Writer

Samantha is an experienced Freelance Gaming Writer with a deep passion for all things gaming. At a young age, she was introduced to the wonderful world of… More about Samantha

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Ark: Survival Evolved
Studio Wildcard
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Release Date
August 29, 2017 (Calendar)
Survival, MMORPG
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