Another Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Glitch Drops You off a Cliff

Yet another Pokemon Scarlet & Violet glitch doesn't make the game unplayable, but has players wondering why their avatar is falling off of cliffs.

Published: January 4, 2023 4:59 PM /


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Pokemon Scarlet & Violet is no stranger to bugs and glitches, but the latest to be added to the list is quite funny from a spectator's point of view, as it drops players off of the side of a cliff during battle. 

Now, no, the amount of glitches the game currently has is not funny, but the video recently uploaded to Twitter by @GlitchxCity showcasing the bug is hard not to chuckle at. It shows a fellow trainer who has just encountered a wild Salandit on the side of a mountain. Normally, this would be cut and dry, but apparently, if you battle on the side of a cliff, you risk being dropped off into the ether. His trainer initially vanishes into thin air, only to appear on the opposite side of the battle area, but sadly he didn't vanish. The trainer was thrown off the cliffside due to being attacked by a wild Bagon right as the previous battle ended. 

The state that Scarlet & Violet are in is upsetting to most fans, even though the bugs don't make the game unplayable, they do make things extremely annoying. Glitches like Pokemon getting stuck inside of walls and inanimate objects, Pokemon floating above the ground out of reach, and even trainers clipping into the ground and being unable to get themselves unstuck. Things like this just need to be patched, but sadly there has been no indication of any form of patch or update on the way. 

Some glitches work in the players' favor -- at first. Such as the duplicate Legendary Pokemon glitch that allows players to spawn in several copies of the same Legendary using the Storage Container. While that seems exciting, those who choose to indulge in this bug risk losing a good chunk of their saved data once it is patched up. 

Not only do glitches and bugs like this make the game tedious to the players, but they can become a huge bother for those trying to simply kick back and relax while they try to fill their Pokedex. At the time of writing, neither The Pokemon Company, Nintendo, nor Game Freak have made any form of comment on whether or not a patch for all of the different bugs is on the way. So until then, maybe just stay away from a Pokemon on a cliffside. 

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Samantha Plaisance Gaming Writer
| Former Staff Writer

Samantha is an experienced Freelance Gaming Writer with a deep passion for all things gaming. At a young age, she was introduced to the wonderful world of… More about Samantha

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Game Freak
Nintendo Switch
Release Date
November 18, 2022 (Calendar)