Action RPG The Surge Announced

Published: August 10, 2015 1:26 PM /


the surge logo

Deck13, who most recently developed Lords of the Fallen,have announced the newest game they're developing, an action RPG entitled The Surge. The announcement comes with info on the setting of the game, a bit on the gameplay, and some artwork to check out. The Surge is not due for release until 2017 and is being published by Focus Home Interactive.

the surge artwork

Set in a dystopian future where Earth is near the end of its life, you'll be fighting through a world where society is beset by an aging population and increasing environmental diseases. Technology has developed to the point that most jobs are now redundant, which has forced people to find jobs out in suburbs using exoskeletons to increase their efficiency. The Surge shows a future where the evolution of technology, society, and how humans have treated the environment has led to a grim, decaying world.

Deck13 has offered a small glimpse into the gameplay as well. The Surge promises an original character progression system based on modular upgrades, gained directly through combat. What that means or any details will need to be gleaned later as Deck13 hasn't offered anymore. Check back here at TechRaptor for more information.

Below you'll find a better glimpse at the look of the near-death Earth and dystopian future of The Surge.

the surge artwork 1

Quick Take

The Surge has a setting we've all seen and/or experienced at some time in our time with gaming. It is definitely something with potential, but it is all up to Deck13 to do something really cool with it. So far, the small bit they've given on what to expect of the world sounds interesting. They are definitely not being subtle about the issues we should all expect to see in the game.

I'm most interested in what they mean in their "modular" progression system though, as that doesn't mean a lot to me now. Though, all will be for naught if the gameplay doesn't look decent.

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Andrew Otton
| Editor in Chief

Andrew is the Editor in Chief at TechRaptor. Conned into a love of gaming by Nintendo at a young age, Andrew has been chasing the dragon spawned by Super… More about Andrew

More Info About This Game
Learn More About The Surge
Game Page The Surge
Deck13 Interactive
PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Release Date
May 16, 2017 (Calendar)
Action RPG
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