Indy PopCon 2014 - We talked Ray's The Dead with Chris from Ragtag!

Published: August 13, 2014 9:00 AM /


Ray's The Dead

Indy PopCon was chock full of people for us to talk to, and Chris from Ragtag Studio was no exception! Ragtag is developing Ray's The Dead, a game that puts you in the shoes of newly resurrected zombie by the name of Ray. Most people may think that zombie-based games are becoming overdone, but instead of pitting  you against the zombies, this time you'll be on their side!

Ray is a newly arisen zombie who was recently resurrected, and is discovering his powers over the dead. You'll join him as he makes strange new friends and resurrects his own zombie army on his quest to find out how he was killed/died and why he was resurrected. With a style reminiscent of the 80's, Ray's The Dead offers a game unlike anything you've played before! Check out our interview below!

Want to know more?

  • Ragtag Studio consists of three industry veterans that have worked in the industry for 13 years each on titles such as Stubbs the Zombie, Halo Wars, and Thief 3.
  • The game is releasing on Playstation 4, and Steam (PC, MAC, and Linux).
  • Experience Ray's life as a Zombie, as well as his life from before his death, via playable flashbacks.
  • Recreate the classic moments you remember from your favorite zombie movies.
  • A variety of unique zombie types that will help you cause mayhem, with each having a special ability!
  • Nostalgic 80's setting!
  • Awesome soundtrack!

So, that's that! We highly recommend you check out the game and follow Ragtag Studio as they develop it! The game is currently slated for a 2015 release, but from what we got to play at Indy PopCon, the wait is well worth it!

Announced on Monday, Ragtag is launching the Kickstarter for the game on August 18th! Check out the preview of the Ray's The Dead Kickstarter here!

Ray's The Dead Website | Ragtag Studio | Ragtag Twitter | Ragtag Facebook

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Rutledge Daugette
| CEO and Founder

Rutledge Daugette is the Guides Editor & Founder of TechRaptor. Rutledge's degree in Game Programming ultimately led him to found the site in 2013, with… More about Rutledge

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Learn More About Ray's The Dead
Game Page Ray's The Dead
Ragtag Studio
Ragtag Studio
Release Date
June 16, 2020 (Calendar)
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